Noise compliance addressed with HushPanel

Noise compliance is an issue penetrating industry and construction across Australia.

HushPanel, a product with proven acoustic performance, was developed to address noise compliance and to provide an effective solution to the increase of noise pollution in areas that are impacted by industrial or public recreational noise.

The concept for HushPanel was developed on the drive home from work by Managing Director of Hushpak Engineering, Michael Neville. “I noticed a timber acoustic fence that had deteriorated, split and rotted over time. Further along, I saw another barrier that was essentially an old fence with horizontally installed corrugated steel cladding running along a rail line and I thought, ‘we could do that using our HushClad product’,’ he says.

In response to this idea, Hushpak created HushPanel, a customisable and simple durable noise reduction barrier system that provides a cost effective solution for any area impacted by road, rail or industrial noise.

The product is made from Colorbond Steel and patented polymer laminate panels with hot dip galvanised posts for long term durability, HushPanels are easy to install and aesthetically pleasing. They are engineer certified from 2.4 to 5.4 metres in height and have been independently tested in a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited Acoustic Testing Laboratory (see results below).

Noise Attentuation HushPanel

See Hushpanel in action:

HushPanel was also recently featured in Roads & Infrastructure Magazine June 2019 edition in an article titled Silencing the Boom which you can read here.

Roads & Infrastructure June 2019

For more information, contact Michael Neville on 02 4964 4000.