Mobile Machinery – Noise Testing & Attenuation

Proven noise control solutions for haul trucks, excavators, graders, drilling rigs and dozers

Hushpak follows International Standards for dynamic and stationery test conditions and achieves repeatable results, representative of normal mobile machinery operation. Accurate modelling and assessment of noise provides a crucial understanding of how individual components contribute to overall noise. Hushpak use this precise acoustic data to design, manufacture and install the most effective attenuation products for mobile equipment, including dozers, excavators, graders, drilling rigs and haul trucks.

Attenuating Noise ... at the source

As leaders in supplying turnkey acoustic solutions, Hushpak specialise in suppressing or absorbing noise at the source. Knowledge of the mechanical aspects of mobile machinery and engineering, together with acoustic monitoring and engineering analysis, ensures your noise problem is resolved completely.
