The NSW Resources Regulator recently announced ‘Fires on Mobile Plant’ as an ongoing priority for the mining, extractive and petroleum industries. Monthly incident data from the Regulator identified a consistently high number of fires occurring on mobile machines.
Two common causes of fires include delayed or poor maintenance and hot exhaust surfaces that have the potential to ignite hydraulic fluids or oil. Earth moving machines that have been fitted with poorly designed noise suppression panels, belly pans and other acoustic equipment that restrict visibility and hinder serviceability can also increase fire risk.
Fire hazards present an intolerable risk to mine workers, machine operators and maintenance crew, as well as first responders. Managing fire risks requires a combination of protection and prevention measures.
Regulators will be conducting compliance programs, especially in underground mines, to ensure that maintenance procedures are acceptable and risks are being appropriately managed.
Hushpak has extensive experience conducting noise measurements on mobile machines and large earth moving equipment. We analyse the noise frequency spectrum and identify the most effective noise control solution. To achieve noise compliance, we design our noise attenuation kits with minimal equipment to provide good access and maintainability, especially if noise suppression panels are required to achieve further noise reduction.
Our mufflers and low noise fans ensure low engine back pressure and good ventilation to improve performance and reduce overheating that can increase fire risk. Also Hushpak’s exhaust wraps lower engine bay temperature to protect sensitive components and reduce the risk of ignition of flammable liquids.
Hushpak recommends inspecting your machine to identify maintenance and fire hazards and implementing risk control measures to mitigate potential risks.
For more information on how our noise control solutions also reduce fire risk on mobile machines, email Michael Neville, call 02 4964 4000, or visit our website.