Significant noise reduction from steel cladding
Hushpak has expanded its HushClad range, providing higher sound transmission class (STC). HushClad is an acoustic cladding product, made from Colorbond steel (Custom Orb or Trimdek) with a patented polymer layer. It can be installed on steel framed buildings in the same way as standard steel sheeting. As part of our ongoing R&D program, HushClad is now available as:
HushClad Premium (STC 25) – Custom Orb cladding with improved transmission loss for both low and high frequency noise.
HushClad Ultimate (STC 28)– Trimdek cladding superior for mid frequency noise sources (500Hz – 3000Hz) such as industrial noise.
Hushpak’s Manager Michael Thearle said “We are excited about our R&D outcomes. HushClad achieves a high transmission loss across the broad frequency range. For example, HushClad Premium (STC 25) is an effective solution for low frequency noise often associated with mining activities”.
HushClad has been installed throughout Australia for the attenuation of wood chipping facilities, heavy manufacturing and mining operations.