Case Studies

  • Cat 793F mining truck

    Hushpak and WesTrac delivering sound results for The Bloomfield Group

    Hushpak and WesTrac worked with mining client The Bloomfield Group to deliver a noise attenuation solution for 19 x Cat® 793F trucks operating at two of their open cut mining sites in NSW.

  • Hushpanel noise wall

    HushPanel noise wall reduces traffic noise

    Hushpak manufactured over 31 meters of HushPanel noise wall panels for Transport for NSW (formerly Roads and Maritime Services). Not only were they an effective noise wall, they were quick and easy to install, minimising traffic disruptions along John Renshaw Drive, which connects the M1 to the Pacific Highway.

  • leibherr 996 hushpak muffler

    Hushpak mufflers and fan package achieves excellent results

    Hushpak noise control solutions achieve compliance at low cost, whilst improving accessibility and engine cooling.

  • Hushpak muffler improves maintenance and passes noise test

    Working together with a mining service provider, Hushpak set out to eliminate maintenance issues and ensure compliance with the inservice noise specification.

  • Acoustic treatment of a Bradford Breaker

    Hushpak designed and built a custom Acoustic Treatment System to attenuate noise levels from a Bradford Breaker. The solution incorporated Hushclad acoustic cladding, and achieved a 10dB(A) reduction in noise levels.

  • Reducing noise at a conveyor head chute with a custom noise curtain

    Our Hushpak Engineering team designed, manufactured and installed noise curtains for a coal conveyor head chute, achieving noise reduction in excess of 12db(A) and decreasing the site's overall noise footprint. This lead to a reduction in noise complaints and noise level exceedences.